Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need to off load 500.000$ worth of retail items, i.e auto, parts,locks, misc items?

i just receaved three semi loads of misc items from fishing poles to auto parts, new and used from 50 cases of oil to large electrical genarators i need to to sell quickly or start paying large storage fees. i was thinking of starting a retail outlet store but i have large items such as motor homes drill presses etc, and small items like brand new leather coats, tennis shoes, 500 boxes of spark plug wires. any networking ideas, i think e-bay will be to slow? ideas?

I need to off load 500.000$ worth of retail items, i.e auto, parts,locks, misc items?
One avenue would be to start your own 'selling site' on the Net....this would protect you from 'fees'.

If you'd like my perspective along with a link - send an email - it may be of help and hopefully profitable too.


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